thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1

When I picked my son up from school,
I told him what I had purchased. Our conversation went something like this:
ME: I bought you two packages of strings today because it was
more economical than to purchase just one string.
SON: But I only needed the one string.
ME: Yes, but now you have extras in case any of your other
strings break.
SON: But the only string that ever breaks is the “high e”. This
seems like overkill.
ME: A “thank you” would have been nice.
For our family, anything that is out
of the ordinary expense-wise is a sacrifice, whether it’s a guitar string, new
glasses, a flat tire or a pizza. If it’s not an ordinary, living expense, it
causes us to sacrifice something else in order to supply whatever this “extra”
need may be. As I was brooding over this sacrifice and what I perceived to be
his lack of thankfulness, my heart was pierced with a thought:
Am I sufficiently thankful for the sacrifice made for me?
It is so easy for us to take for
granted the things supplied for us or given to us. I know in my heart that
Jesus’ death was the sacrifice required for my salvation; the sacrifice that
allows me to have relationship with God. Face to face! In His presence, anytime
I want or need. And for this I am truly thankful, beyond what words could
possibly convey. But how many blessings do I receive from Him for which I’m
insufficiently grateful?
- How many victories have I gained? Am I only grateful for the BIG battles won?
- How many joys have I experienced? Is it only the seemingly miraculous things that bring me joy?
- How many healings have I received? Do I merely perceive the life-threatening diseases to be the only ones that are worthy of bringing to Jesus’ attention? Am I grateful for the headache that goes away or the quick healing of a wound?
- How many provisions have I received? Do I recognize that the blessing of finding $10 in my pocket is just as miraculous as having someone give me a car or pay my rent?
Life is full of what the world
around us would call coincidences. But I don’t believe in coincidences; I
believe in the faithfulness of a loving Father, His goodness, His kindness and
His mercy.
Psalm 91 says, “Whoever dwells in
the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I
will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I
trust” (Psalm 91:1-2).
As you continue to read through the
chapter, the writer goes on to say:
- He will save you (vs. 3)
- He will cover you and be your shield (vs. 4)
- You will not fear (vs. 5)
- He brings victory (vs. 7)
- You will see His justice (vs.8)
- No harm will come to you (vs.10)
- No disaster will come near you (vs. 10)
- Angels will guard you (vs. 11)
- He will rescue you (vs. 12)
- He will protect you (vs. 14)
- He will deliver you and honor you (vs. 15)
- He will ANSWER you!! (vs. 16)
Thank you, God, that not only do You hear me,
but You ANSWER me!
Today I was reminded to be thankful
in all things, big or small. Everything I have is because of Him and is
directly related to His sacrifice for me. To be less than grateful would be to
ignore His goodness.
Are you thankful today?
©Whispers in Worship, 2014