Books I have Written
Sweet Tea: Finding Divine Goodness in an Ordinary Life
Published 2010

It had been several very difficult years. Years filled with fear, anxiety, despair, loss, and confusion. I was burnt-out, and exhausted. I was striving for perfection and acceptance, all the while trying to make everyone around me think I had it all together. In time, everything began to tumble down around me. Then there came a time of resting; a time of healing; a time of rebuilding. I can look back now and see the hand of God in those dry and empty places, but when I was in the midst of it, it was very lonely. The waves were high - the winds blew hard and loud. Then the questions came…..
Why is this happening?
What did I do wrong?
How am I going to get out of this?
God, why won’t you fix this?
Are You listening?
God….do You care?
The next few months were spent searching the scriptures to remind myself of who God was. And as I searched, I discovered that when I put down the old questions, new questions arose. Why does He love me the way He does? What is His purpose and plan for me and my life? When does He act on my behalf? Where is He taking me? And you know what? I discovered He has answers to all of my questions.
It all started when I learned to be still and know that He is God…
Whispers in Worship
Published 2015
Forward by Carole Henehan
I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing ‘Lena Ehlert for almost 45 years. I would like to say that we were toddlers when we met, but alas, we were in junior high school. There was no way I could know that the friend I met then would be the precious friend I have today. We have had sleep-overs (in recent years, I might add), we have shopped ‘til we dropped (sometimes in heels . . . boy was that a long time ago), we have traveled together (she drove . . . I slept), we sang together (we have a great repertoire), we watched lots and lots of movies, were in each other’s weddings, and we have shared the joys and struggles of raising children . . . but these are the happy, pretty, sweet things of life.
However, life is not always presented in a neat package with a pretty bow. Life can be hard. We know that. When life is hard, that is when you know who your true friends are. That is where “the rubber meets the road”. I can say that ‘Lena and I have shared the hard times of life that always seem to accompany the happy, and the pretty, and the sweet at some time, somewhere along the road. We have shared the losses of life, the pains of making the wrong choices and the resulting consequences. We have cried and prayed together. Because that is what friends do for one another. We have encouraged one another when times were hard and we will continue to do so. Because that is what friends do for one another.
When she asked me to edit her first book, I was humbled. Now on her second book, she has asked me not only to edit, but to include something of my own, so I give you this precious gift written by my friend, ‘Lena Ehlert. I can tell you it is from her heart, from her own worship experiences and private moments spent with the Father. She is an exceptional example to me of how a godly woman should live her life. When life is hard, she turns to scripture for comfort and guidance. When life is good she quotes scripture and sings praises. As you can see, in all things, in all situations, she praises God the Father. What a smile that must bring to His face.
So now, the devotional you have before you is the offering of one who has been obedient to the calling of the Father. In the words of Oswald Chambers, “If you abandon to Jesus, and come when He says ‘Come,’ He will continue to say ‘Come’ through you; you will go out into life reproducing the echo of Christ’s ‘Come.’ That is the result in every soul who has abandoned and come to Jesus” (Chambers, 2014).
‘Lena has recklessly abandoned herself to the call and is now echoing the call to you. Will you steal away for a moment from the clamor and clang of everyday life to hear His whisper when you worship? Will you abandon yourself to Him and hear Him say, “Come?”
You are getting a small glimpse of what it is like to be the friend of my friend. May you be as blessed by reading “Whispers in Worship” as I have been to be a part of bringing it to you.
~ Carole Henehan ~
EXCERPT: Introduction
"Martha was distracted . . .
'Martha,' the Lord said, 'you are troubled about
many things . . . but, Mary has chosen
the good portion.'"
Luke 10:39, 42
It was a Sunday morning and we were in a beautiful time of worship. I looked around the room and saw hands lifted high and heard voices raised in praise. There was a tangible sense of God’s Presence in the room. I thought of the many people present with heavy hearts and troubled minds. I prayed that they would leave this place different than when they entered.
Then, I thought of those who needed to be in the room; those who desperately needed to be in the Presence of Jehovah but who were absent for various reasons. My heart was heavy; for I knew that in that place of worship there was healing, hope, restoration, and encouragement.
And then it came . . . that moment in worship when I heard the gentle whisper: “What about you? Like Martha, you are troubled about many things, but have forgotten that I AM here to meet with you, also. Will you abandon yourself in worship to Me now?”
It was in that moment that I realized that my worries and concern for others had overshadowed my worship of the only One who could soothe my troubled soul.
Whispers in Worship . . . gentle reminders to surrender to Him, give our all to Him, and worship Him. It is there in that place, that He whispers our name and invites us to come into the Secret Place with Him, and find rest.
~ ‘Lena Ehlert ~
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