Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God is my Stronghold!!

So, I had a kind of paradigm shift last night. Or maybe it was just a true revelation from God. Anyway, it changed the way I was thinking about strongholds. Last night at prayer meeting, Pastor Alec was reading Psalm 18 and though he read the first thirty one verses, I could hardly get past the last word of verse two:

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
    my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
    my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
Psalm 18:2 (ESV)

Wait… what? God is my stronghold?! In all my years of being a Christian, I have always thought of a “stronghold” as a tool of Satan – like a pit or dungeon where he keeps us bound up in sin . . . fear, depression, drugs, alcohol, adultery, lying, stealing, gossip, jealousy, etc. And yet, here in Psalm 18:2 David writes that God is my stronghold!

I stood there thinking about this and realized that all this time I have tried to fight my way out of Satan’s stronghold, prayed for God to break the chains that hold me in those strongholds, not realizing God IS my stronghold!!  

If God is my stronghold, then that place of safety and deliverance is greater and more fortified than the chains and cords of Satan’s strongholds.  What amazing freedom is in that revelation!

God is not only my rock, 
my fortress, my deliverer,
 my refuge and my shield….

“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them,
for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4

‘Lena Ehlert
© Whispers in Worship, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Remember . . . Hope!

But this I call to mind,
    and therefore I have hope
Lamentations 3:21

I purchased a new Bible this past week and in the back of it is a reading guide. It is not your typical “read the Bible in a year” plan, in that it has specific dates for specific passages. So rather than begin reading this new Bible at the beginning, I began reading the Scriptures listed for the date I received the Bible. Saturday morning, the portion I was to read was from Lamentations. 

Okay...let’s just start with that word.

What comes to mind when you hear the word lamentations? The dictionary defines the word “lamentations” as: the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.  The Hebrew word ekah which means “how?!” and expresses dismay is used often in this book. The rabbis began to call the book “loud cries” or “lamentations.” It’s a book assumed to be written by Jeremiah after the fall of Jerusalem. One commentator said: 

“Like Job, Lamentations pictures a man of God puzzling over the results of evil and suffering in the world. However, while Job dealt with unexplained evil, Jeremiah lamented a tragedy entirely of Jerusalem’s making. The people of this once great city experienced the judgment of the holy God, and the results were devastating.” 

So my first thought as I began reading was not one of excitement or encouragement. Here are a few examples from the first few chapters:

 “Look, O Lord, for I am in distress; my stomach churns;  
my heart is wrung within me, because I have been very rebellious.  
In the street the sword bereaves; in the house it is like death” (1:20).

“How the Lord in His anger has set the daughter of Zion under a cloud!  
He has cast down from heaven to earth the splendor of Israel; 
He has not remembered His footstool in the day of His anger” (2:1).

“The Lord has scorned His altar, disowned His sanctuary; 
He has delivered into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces; 
they raised a clamor in the house of the Lord as on the day of festival” (2:7).

“My eyes are spent with weeping; my stomach churns;  
 . . . because of the destruction of the daughter of my people,  
because infants and babies faint in the streets of the city” (2:11).

“The Lord has done what He purposed;  He has carried out His word, 
which He commanded long ago;  He has thrown down without pity; 
 He has made the enemy rejoice over you and exalted the might of your foes” (2:17). 

“He has walled me about so that I cannot escape; 
He has made my chains heavy;  though I call and cry for help 
 He shuts out my prayer; He has blocked my ways with blocks of stones;  
 He has made my paths crooked” (3:7-9).

You get the idea… not a pleasant read. And even though the people of God had brought this on themselves through their sin, I couldn’t help but think of some of the things we ourselves are facing and having to live through that are not necessarily of our own doing. Yes, our sin separates us from God, but sometimes life just messes up and we find ourselves “lamenting” to God: “Where are You? Why haven’t you rescued me? How long will You ignore me?” Just read some of the Psalms David has written and you’ll see what I mean. Psalm 13 is one of my favorites.

This past week has been especially difficult for my family as we saw hope pulled out from under us. Some things we had been praying for and working towards, hoping resolution would occur soon, we discovered were not going to happen. And it was painful. And I lamented! I could definitely relate to Lamentations 2:11, “My eyes are spent with weeping; my stomach churns…” And Saturday morning when I was reading His Word and looking for peace and encouragement, I get assigned Lamentations??? Seriously?!

But I persevered…and in His faithfulness, He spoke.

About halfway through chapter 3, the author takes a breath and says:

But this I call to mind,
    and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in Him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
    to the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:21-26 (ESV)

This is what the Lord spoke to me in these verses:
  • Remember what He has already done; already promised you.
  • My hope is in Him and His Word which is “yes” and “amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20).
  • His love never ceases and His mercies, not only  will they never come to an end, but they are new each and every morning!
  • And then the reminder to wait quietly for His answer and salvation.
God is so faithful!
Hope in the Lord
Wait on the Lord!
Rest in the Lord!

 One more encouragement, this time from Moses: 

“Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord,
which he will work for you today.”
Exodus 14:13 (ESV)

‘Lena Ehlert
Whispers in Worship ©2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Give thanks to the Lord...

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever."
Psalm 107:1

I had a “life lesson” today which came out of a conversation with my 17 year old son. He is a guitar player and last night during band practice before SNL, one of the strings on his electric guitar broke. Fortunately, someone else at the church loaned him their guitar so he could play during service, but he needed it replaced before Wednesday so he could play for College20s. This morning I dropped him off at school and headed to the guitar store to purchase a new “high e” string. The gentleman at the store told me that it was more economical to purchase an entire pack of new strings, rather than just the one. Since we are always working within a tight budget, it made more sense to me to go for the value, rather than just the one string; especially since I just bought him strings last month!

When I picked my son up from school, I told him what I had purchased. Our conversation went something like this:

ME: I bought you two packages of strings today because it was more economical than to purchase just one string.
SON: But I only needed the one string.
ME: Yes, but now you have extras in case any of your other strings break.
SON: But the only string that ever breaks is the “high e”. This seems like overkill.
ME:  A “thank you” would have been nice.

For our family, anything that is out of the ordinary expense-wise is a sacrifice, whether it’s a guitar string, new glasses, a flat tire or a pizza. If it’s not an ordinary, living expense, it causes us to sacrifice something else in order to supply whatever this “extra” need may be. As I was brooding over this sacrifice and what I perceived to be his lack of thankfulness, my heart was pierced with a thought:

Am I sufficiently thankful for the sacrifice made for me?

It is so easy for us to take for granted the things supplied for us or given to us. I know in my heart that Jesus’ death was the sacrifice required for my salvation; the sacrifice that allows me to have relationship with God. Face to face! In His presence, anytime I want or need. And for this I am truly thankful, beyond what words could possibly convey. But how many blessings do I receive from Him for which I’m insufficiently grateful?

  • How many victories have I gained? Am I only grateful for the BIG battles won?
  • How many joys have I experienced? Is it only the seemingly miraculous things that bring me joy?
  • How many healings have I received? Do I merely perceive the life-threatening diseases to be the only ones that are worthy of bringing to Jesus’ attention? Am I grateful for the headache that goes away or the quick healing of a wound?
  • How many provisions have I received? Do I recognize that the blessing of finding $10 in my pocket is just as miraculous as having someone give me a car or pay my rent?

Life is full of what the world around us would call coincidences. But I don’t believe in coincidences; I believe in the faithfulness of a loving Father, His goodness, His kindness and His mercy.

Psalm 91 says, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (Psalm 91:1-2).

As you continue to read through the chapter, the writer goes on to say:

  • He will save you (vs. 3)
  • He will cover you and be your shield (vs. 4)
  • You will not fear (vs. 5)
  • He brings victory (vs. 7)
  • You will see His justice (vs.8)
  • No harm will come to you (vs.10)
  • No disaster will come near you (vs. 10)
  • Angels will guard you (vs. 11)
  • He will rescue you (vs. 12)
  •  He will protect you (vs. 14)
  • He will deliver you and honor you (vs. 15)
  • He will ANSWER you!! (vs. 16)

Thank you, God, that not only do You hear me,
but You ANSWER me!

Today I was reminded to be thankful in all things, big or small. Everything I have is because of Him and is directly related to His sacrifice for me. To be less than grateful would be to ignore His goodness.

Are you thankful today?

©Whispers in Worship, 2014