Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Finish the Work!

So now finish doing it as well, so that your readiness in desiring it 
may be matched by your completing it out of what you have.
2 Corinthians 8:11 ESV

I had the television on this morning as I was doing stuff around the house and heard a segment of a teaching by Beth Moore. She grabbed my attention when she said,

“If Satan cannot threaten the person, he threatens the process 
making it impossible to finish what you have been called to do…
If you have put your calling on hold, it’s time to get off pause and back on it! 
If you’ve lost interest, get it back… keep going. Press on! 
Believe God to bring it back! 
Or you’ll never finish anything.”

That stopped me because I have been called to do something that hasn’t come completely to fruition and it’s been twelve years. Many times I do get discouraged and question whether I truly heard from the Lord. Perhaps I don’t really have what it takes; someone else can do it better. I’m just not ready!

All kinds of excuses arise for not doing or completing what God has called us to do. And the enemy would love to stop the work of the Lord and what better way than to convince us we aren’t able to do the work of the Lord.
But Romans 11:29 says, 

“For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable
[He never withdraws them when once they are given, 
and He does not change His mind 
about those to whom He gives His grace 
or to whom He sends His call]" (Amplified).

God does not change His mind…
often we change ours.

If God has called you to do something, a ministry, a vocation, an act of service, whatever it is… do not doubt His call. I’ve returned to the calling He gave me twelve years ago. Together, let’s finish the work, and finish it well.

‘Lena Ehlert
©Whispers in Worship

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Piece of Jesus

“She had heard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. For she said, “If I touch even his garments, I will be made well.” And immediately the flow of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease.”
(Mark 5:27-29)

My sister was watching a movie a couple of nights ago called Stolen Summer and posted a comment on her Facebook page about one of the scenes in the movie in which a little boy was caught stealing the communion elements. When asked by the priest why he wanted them, the little boy explained: “I have a friend who needs a piece of Jesus.” I told her it sounded like the basis for a blog post and if she didn't write it, I would. Well, she beat me to it, (, but I haven't been able to get it out of my mind....

I’ve never heard of the movie before, let alone seen it. But as I thought about the little boy’s explanation I was reminded of a story in the book of Mark about the woman who had been sick for twelve years. She had spent all she had on physicians but instead of getting better, she only became worse. She was at the end of her rope and “needed a piece of Jesus.” In her desperation, she pushed through the crowd…

 "If I touch even His garments, I will be made well."

This desperate woman knew that all she needed was just one touch, just one “piece” of Jesus to receive her healing and change her life! The power that flowed through Jesus extended into the garment He wore; and the faith of this woman was such that she just needed to touch the hem of His robe to receive her healing.

While I understand the statement of the little boy whose friend needed “a piece of Jesus” I want all of Him! I want all of His power, all of His majesty, all of His love and all of His mercy. But I know that even if I only get a piece of Him…it will still be more than enough!

©Whispers in Worship

Monday, September 9, 2013

Have Your Heard a Word from the Lord?

I am taking online classes to earn an Associates' Degree in Biblical studies. This week I began a New Testament Life of Christ class. The first weekly assignment in each class is a devotion that we are to read and then post comments. This week's devotional began as follows:

At the time that Christ was conceived and born it had been over 400 years since the people of God had received any message from God. It is said that as the people would meet each other along the street or the pathway part of their greeting to one another would be, “Have you heard a word from the Lord?” Therefore, with the birth of Christ, the Word as John in his Gospel identifies Him, God began speaking to the people.”

My thoughts were captured by the question in their greeting… I realize the question was born out of a 400 year silence, but I wondered what would happen in our lives today if that question became part of our greeting to one another; if we kept that question at the forefront of our thoughts.

If you knew someone was going to ask you that question today:
  • Would you live in expectation of hearing a Word?
  • Would you listen more intently to hear that Word?
  • Would you discover that you do indeed hear from the Lord more than you realized?
  • Would your faith be strengthened and your heart be encouraged as we shared with one another the Word we received?

John 1:1 says, 
“In the beginning was the Word 
and the Word was with God 
and the Word was God.”

After 400 years of silence, the birth of Christ brought the Word to dwell among us. The Holy Spirit now indwells in each of us enabling us to hear the Word of the Lord as He speaks in us, and to us, and through us.

What is He saying to you?

I’m thinking of starting a new movement…don’t be surprised if the next time I see you I ask:
“Have you heard a word from the Lord?”  

‘Lena Ehlert
©Whispers in Worship

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Secret Place...

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalm 91:1

This is a very familiar verse to most of us. And one of our "go-to" verses when we need assurance that God is our Protector. But in the early hours of the morning, I find myself focused on four words:

"Whoever dwells . . . will rest."

The Amplified Bible calls it a secret place, that place of shelter and rest. I was reminded of when my boys were little and we had a forest of trees behind our house. They would gather branches and limbs and create a "fort" which became their secret place to hang out and relax.

But that secret place would be much shelter or be a hiding place if they never used it, would it?

God has a shelter; actually He is a shelter, a secret place where He brings comfort, gives rest and provides safety. But He calls us to dwell there with Him.

As we come to the end of the "lazy days of summer" and get back into the busy, sometimes frantic, routines that Autumn brings, let us take time to dwell in the shelter . . . the secret place of the Most High . . . and find rest in the shadow of His wings.

©Whispers in Worship

I was reminded of an old song...
"A Quiet Place" sung by Take 6...