Saturday, October 19, 2013

Humbled by Love . . .

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

I have just completed a Life of Christ in the Gospels class and had to submit a final paper covering the physical death of Jesus. The article I had to read was written by physicians and theologians describing the physiological affects the flogging and the crucifixion itself had on Jesus, both mentally and physically. It was a graphic and emotionally charged document.

I am normally a visual person and so, for me, the movie Passion of the Christ was a very realistic picture of what Jesus endured. But reading the description from a medical point of view had a much greater impact on me.

I am humbled by His love . . .

This was one of the most difficult papers I have ever had to write. I tried to keep myself to the clinical aspects of the physical death of Jesus; but I cannot keep from weeping when I realize He went through all of this for me. I am afraid that often we, as Christians, have become jaded and complacent in our thinking; far too often we have “sanitized” the death of Jesus to make it more palatable. It is just too hard to think of the details of His death, so let’s just be content with the fact that He died  in our place. But when one stops to take the time to reflect on the details, the actuality of the deed itself, it becomes overwhelming. And yet, Jesus Christ willingly gave Himself over to pain, anguish and suffering.

One of the requirements of the paper was to look at the offensiveness of the cross. But, when I look at the cross I don’t see it as offensive; I see beauty. The beauty of a love I cannot begin to understand or return. Instead of the offensiveness of sin, I see the beauty of Redemption, the Love of a Father to a child . . . the Mercy and Grace of an awesome God.

And I am humbled by His love . . .

 'Lena Ehlert
©Whispers in Worship

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