Monday, April 1, 2013

Love Overcomes Betrayal...

"Judas Iscariot - went to the chief priests and asked, 
'What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him over to you?'
So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver."
Matthew 26:14, 15

Last night, we as a family were watching the TV series The Bible. The producers didn’t always get the details quite right, but in general it portrayed the gospel quite well.  When the chief priests approached Judas for information about Jesus and tossed him a small bag of coins, my youngest son said, “Really? That’s it?!” Earlier in the series when Delilah betrayed Samson, she received a huge chest full of coins. He seemed to think Judas should have received more for his betrayal of Jesus. After all, this was more than just a haircut! But I reminded him that 30 pieces of silver was all it took for Judas to turn his back on Jesus.

Jesus’ love for Judas never wavered even in the face of that betrayal. Earlier that same evening, Jesus humbled Himself as a servant and washed the feet of His disciples…even the feet of Judas. Jesus knew what was ahead of Him that evening. I can’t begin to imagine the thoughts that went through Jesus’ mind and heart as He washed the feet of Judas, knowing that in just a few short hours Judas would turn Him over for 30 pieces of silver.

Did He take extra care with Judas feet?
Did He weep as He gently wiped away the dirt?
Did He look into the eyes of Judas with love and compassion?

Betrayal… it has many different shapes and sizes; many different depths and nuances. Judas love of money overshadowed his love for Jesus. Are there things in our lives that we allow to overshadow our love for Him? Do we betray Jesus in our actions? Our words? Do we betray His love and forgiveness for us in the way we treat others or by withholding forgiveness from others? And yet, there He is with His amazing love…

This past weekend we remembered: On Friday, we remembered His pain, His agony, His brokenness; the moment when God turned His face away, and finally His death...all in our place. On Sunday we had a beautiful celebration of His resurrection that brings us life, health and hope.

What an amazing love!

©Whispers in Worship, 2013

1And Can It Be That I Should Gain
Words: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
Music: Thomas Campbell

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