Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Word of the Lord is Eternal….

It was May 4, 2004 and I was sitting in Tuesday night prayer meeting. My world had crumbled that day and I didn't think things could possibly be any worse. One of our pastors came up beside me, began praying in the Spirit and then leaned down and whispered in my ear:

“I love you more than you know. 
I have not forsaken you. 
You will come through victorious. 
It will be glorious!”

I wrote that down in my Bible and dated it.  A year later, almost to the day, I believed the promise had been fulfilled.

This morning I was reminded of that Word I received in 2004. I realized that very same word applies right now. It is a promise from God that He still loves me; He still has not forsaken me. He will still be victorious and it will indeed be glorious!

The author of Hebrews said, “The Word of God is alive and active…” (Hebrews 4:12). Because His word is alive, it is constantly working. It is powerful and will never fail you.

Whatever promises you have received from His word, do not ever think they were for yesterday, or that your “moment” has passed. It is alive and active still today. That same writer of Hebrews also said, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8).

Even now…nine years later, I will continue to stand on this promise!

Because His Word is Alive!

The Word is Alive; and it cuts like the sword through the darkness with a message of hope to the hopeless and the frail, breathing life into all who believe. The Word is alive; and the world and it’s glories will fade. But it’s Truth, it will not pass away. It remains yesterday and forever the same. The Word is alive.” (Casting Crowns).

©Whispers in Worship

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

“Do you believe the words?”

Last week as I was listening to Beth Moore on television, she asked the question, “Do you actually believe the words you are singing during praise and worship?” I didn’t think too much about it at the time, but Sunday morning during worship the question came back to me. We know the songs, the words, the melodies. We know the emotion that the songs should evoke in each of us; we lift our hands and voices as we lead the congregation into worship. But how many times do we find ourselves also thinking about other things as we sing?

“Did I turn the crock pot on? 
Did I turn the coffee pot off? 
Oh shoot, I forgot to mail the rent/mortgage check!”

I will admit: I am guilty of this from time to time. So yesterday, as we sang, I began to truly focus on the words we were singing:

I have decided, I have resolved to wait upon You, Lord…” Am I determined to live purposefully in obedience to Him?

“We are not shaken, we are not moved; we wait upon You, Lord.”  Is my faith built upon the rock or does it move in shifting sands of uncertainty?

“Chains, be broken! Lives, be healed!”  This is a bold declaration; actually it is a command: Chains – be broken in Jesus Name! Be healed in Jesus Name! Do I believe it? Am I truly declaring it with the power and authority given to me by Jesus?

“He is jealous for me.”  One of the definitions of “jealous” is vigilant in maintaining or guarding something. Most of us think of jealousy as a negative emotion…wanting something someone else has. But God’s jealousy for us is powerful, protective – He is vigilantly guarding us!

“When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory” How often I get caught up in the hardships, difficulties, challenges; my wants, needs and desires. Can I finally realize that His love and mercy supersedes them all?

 “But Thou, oh Lord, are a shield for me” A few weeks ago I saw a picture of a momma bird with her little ones gathered under her wings, guarding them and protecting them from the elements outside. That was the shield that I saw as we sang this song.

So my question to you is this: “Do you believe the words you sing during praise and worship? My challenge to all of us is to really pay attention to the words of the songs we sing. I daresay it will change not only the way we worship, but it will strengthen our faith and trust in the Lord.

“And oh, how He loves us!”…Wow!

©Whispers in Worship

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All of Creation Sings...

I had the privilege this past weekend to go on a mini-retreat with four other beautiful ladies. We drove over to Cashmere and stayed in a beautiful lodge-type house in the hills, far enough away from the highway that we could no longer hear the sounds of traffic going by,  surrounded by rolling hills blanketed in wildflowers of yellow, blue and white; down the road were horses, goats, ducks, wild turkeys and roosters (which crowed in the afternoon instead of at dawn). 

Friday night after the sun went down over the mountains, I stepped outside and looked up into a sky filled with countless stars and planets. My mind went to a scripture verse I learned as a small child:

“The heavens declare the glory of God 
and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.”
Psalm 19:1 (KJV)

Sunday morning, I sat out on the deck with my Bible and listened to the sounds of countless birds chirping in the morning sun along with a chorus of all of the other animals.  I felt as if I was worshiping as Adam and Eve may have worshiped in the Garden of Eden. And, naturally, I was reminded of a song:

All of creation, 
sing with me now
Lift up your voice and 
lay your burden down.
All of creation, 
sing with me now
Fill up the heavens 
let His glory resound.
(Mercy Me)

It was as if all of creation were worshiping our Creator, declaring His glory and filling the heavens with praise. How could I not join in?

Monday morning found us back in the city to our busy lives caring for our families and, for some of us, heading back to the office.  It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the fuss and bother of the necessary things of life and forget to take those moments to worship. Today, in that moment of craziness, that moment of frustration, that moment of indecision…whatever you are facing, stop, take a deep breath and begin to worship. Even if it’s just sixty seconds or just enough time to say the Name “Jesus” you will find that it is a moment well spent.

Fill up the heavens . . . Let His glory resound!


©Whispers in Worship