In reading through Philippians this morning,
this particular verse struck me and the paraphrase from the Message really
pierced my heart…
time you cross my mind,
I break
out in exclamations of thanks to God.
exclamation is a trigger to prayer.”
I meet every Saturday morning with a small
group of ladies for prayer, fellowship and Bible study. This past week, we
talked about the fervency of prayer and the importance of that fervency when
praying for one another.
Do we do that? I confess that I don’t always
pray with fervency for the needs of others. Not like I do when it’s MY problem.
Oh, I pray in the when we meet together in a group gathering such as my
Saturday mornings. But in the quiet of a Wednesday afternoon, or Friday
morning; when I’m vacuuming the floors or washing the dishes?
time you cross
my mind,
I break out in exclamations…!”
and each
exclamation is a trigger…
trigger to pray.
tells us...
effective, fervent prayer
of a
righteous man
As we remember friends of ours who are going
through difficult and life altering situations, may it trigger in each of us an intensity of spirit in our prayers. May we burn in
our desire to see the Hand of God move in each life and situation.
‘Lena Ehlert
©Whispers in Worship
Like a mighty rushing wind, Move us
Like a river of joy, flow through us
Like a hot burning fire, consume us, Lord
Touch us, and make us like You.
(Geron Davis)
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